Friday, July 09, 2010

Spending Spree

I don't know what's wrong with me. You'd think that with the impending uncertainty involving Ted's employment that I would be a bit more hesitant to spend my money, but it seems that the opposite is true.

First, there have been the necessities.  For example, the $340 on Fang Heisenburg, our car.  This is in addition to the $1000 for the initial set of repairs and the $300 for the tune-up at Jiffy Lube.  I admit it now: we overpaid for a lemon.  I blame it partially on my health.  We went car shopping very soon after I got out of the hospital, and car shopping took a lot out of me, to the point where I was too willing to settle and neither Ted nor Dad stopped me.  The car itself is a 2002 Ford Escort with 93k miles on it, and we paid about $5600 for it after taxes and fees.  Then there's the $800 insurance that I paid. Car ownership is terrible.

In any case, most of the car expenses have been spread out, so it's not too bad.  It's just that there have been a lot of annoying expenses, lately.  $300 to replace my failing PS3. $120 to replace my failing router (granted, I got a top of the line router).  It just feels like everything is failing around me.  And just a few days ago, Ted's laptop (and only computer) died.

Then of course there's food, and I've been eating a lot of it.  Food can be very expensive when you consume it in those quantities. I felt bad that I was eating so much food, so I picked up the grocery bill by myself several times after getting out of the hospital.

Of course, my real weakness is luxuries. I've been splurging on video games and downloadable content now that I'm enjoying games again.  I've probably spent more than $200 on that stuff in  the past month. Then there's also the Nook for $260 and probably about $100 of e-books.  Pretty soon I'm going to get a Droid X for $200 and I'm going to finally start paying for my cell phone, which will be $40 a month on our special retiree family plan (Dad used to work for Bell Atlantic) including voice and data.  Thank goodness today is payday.

At least I have prescription insurance now! That makes my medicine a lot cheaper at least.  A LOT.

As for my health, things look good right now.  I got the vaccinations that I need in preparation for the splenectomy. I'll be meeting with the surgeon next Friday to schedule that.  My blood cell counts are much better than last week, too.  I did end up coming home an hour early today, though, since my shoulders are kind of hurting at the vaccination sites, it's pretty disracting, and I had reached a good stopping point.


  1. Perhaps there is a lemon law that can you can use to return the car or get some of the money back? I'm no expert but it might be worth looking in to.

    As someone thinking about getting a Droid Incredible, I'm curious to know what about the Droid X made you decide on it. I'm at least waiting a week though so I can compare them side by side.

  2. Honestly? The height. I think it will be more comfortable. But I think the Incredible looks really good, too... I don't think you can really go wrong between the two of them.
