Saturday, November 07, 2009

Odds and Ends

Sorry for the delay between posts, but I'm engrossed in a video game at the moment. Demon's Souls is a very addictive game, and I initially thought I would dislike it due to the difficulty. It turns out, though, that the difficulty is deceptive, since the game is very hard in the beginning and gets much easier as you get a handle of things. I still have quite a bit to do to get the platinum trophy, but I'm well on my way.

I promised to post the picture from the Bodies exhibit in New York, but forgot... so here it is:

Speaking of pictures, here are two more. I've decided to participate in Movember to raise awareness and maybe money for the fights against testicular and prostate cancer. I'm not really the type of person to fund raise, but Carmichael is making me think twice about it. Besides... I think the concept of Movember is brilliant.

Side effects lately have been pretty mild. My stomach hurts for a few minutes when I wake up in the morning, and my muscles have been aching quite a bit but that didn't stop me from going to the gym on Monday and Tuesday. It did on Thursday and Friday, but now that I no longer think my expanding spleen is my expanding fat belly I'm willing to take it easier on myself in terms of working out. Other than that, there was one day where I was a space cadet and had a headache, but those effects seem to have passed.

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